Base City:
Sexual Orientation:
154 cm / 5´ 0"
68 kg / 150 lbs
Breast Cup:
Private Apartment
Hotel & Home Visits
Meeting with
Men, Women, Couples, Trans, Gays, Groups
Language 1
Language 2
Language 3
Incall 0,5 hour:
Incall 1 hour:
200 CAD
Incall 2 hour:
380 CAD
Incall 3 hour:
400 CAD
Incall 4 hour:
600 CAD
Incall 6 hour:
750 CAD
Incall 12 hour:
1200 CAD
Incall 24 hour:
2200 CAD
Outcall 0,5 hour:
Outcall 1 hour:
200 CAD
Outcall 2 hour:
380 CAD
Outcall 3 hour:
400 CAD
Outcall 4 hour:
600 CAD
Outcall 6 hour:
750 CAD
Outcall 12 hour:
1200 CAD
Outcall 24 hour:
2200 CAD
I like these things
Sex vaginal
Deep throating
Cum on face
Lesbi-show hard
Anti-stress Massage
Fisting anal
French Kissing
Shared Showers
Sex anal
Cum in mouth
Lesbi-show soft
Thai Massage
Ass licking
Fisting vaginal
Rimming Giving
Showers Games
Sex Gangbang/Orgy
Oral in condom
Striptease Pro
Classic Massage
Prostate Massage
Golden shower (out)
Soft domination
Role playing
Rimming receiving
Sex lesbian
Oral without condom
Cum on breast
Striptease amateur
Professional Massage
Erotic Massage
Golden shower (in)
Photo/Video rec
Sex Toys
Foot Fetish
Eastern Europe
Latin America
Middle East
Western Europe

Travel Rates

12 hour
1300 CAD
24 hour
2400 CAD
48 hour
4000 CAD
Next Day
1800 CAD

Travel Conditions

Downpayment in advance:
Payment method:
Other, Bank Wire
Flight reservation:
Phone Type:
SMS / Call
Taxi Fare:
Not included in Price
How do you handle first-timers or those who have limited experience with escort services? What are your suggestions to such clients to make your encounter the most enjoyable?
I would like to say that I have a special way of handling inexperienced clients, but I've never found I really needed anything such as that. I treat all of my clients with a high level of respect, patience, and unlimited understanding. As long as a client treats me in a respectful manner during our time together, they can do no wrong in my eyes. I offer a very open-minded experience, during which I want my clients to completely open themselves to me. This can be either physically, emotionally, or both. I think that the best sexual connections are achieved by partners who feel safe in the fact that they can openly express their every last thought, and feeling, without the fear of any judgemental reaction. Since quite early-on in my career, I have had a reputation of being an excellent choice for anyone who is inexperienced with escorts, or sex in general. This is not because I provide first-time clients extra special treatment, or show added patience, or understanding either. Those qualities are equally present in every session which I provide. I believe there is only one way to treat others, and that is the right way. Everyone deserves to be treated with respect, kindness, understanding, acceptance, patience, and honesty. Whether you are brand-new, or have been doing this for as long as you can remember, I guarantee an experience of pure pleasure, free of negativity.
What makes you notable among other providers? What exactly, you believe, you're good at? What makes your service unique? What is your favorite kind of service?
I believe that my friendly, eager, and welcoming nature really set me apart from most other girls, I love what I do. I know others say it, and I know how fake this will likely look to everyone who reads it... but it's the honest truth. I didn't need to do this. I was twenty-eight, and was in the midst of a successful career in military aviation. I was earning a six-figure salary, and was steadily climbing up the ranks. There was something telling me that I had to try my hand at sex work. I'd always thought that it would be an amazing lifestyle... and I was so totally correct! Another part of my unique appeal is, I believe, derived from the fact that I have so many easily accessible online videos. Clients seem to truly appreciate the very unique opportunity which my videos provide. It gives any potential client a chance to really get a feel for what I am like with my clients, and what they can expect, if they choose to visit with me... A try-before-you-buy sort-of experience, and something extremely rare, indeed. The videos also give me the added allure of being a real-life porn star... Something which many clients claim, made me irresistible to them. Although I am not a full-blown professional adult performer, I am a well-known in the amateur porn realm. With a large international following, and videos with an online view count of nearly ten-million, to most clients, I'm not just as good as the real thing... I am the real thing. My favourite type of session is one which is longer in duration... As in three hours or more. Overnights are perfect, because I enjoy a pace which is slow, and sensual, which culminates in a mutually-enjoyed, unforgettable experience for not only my client, but for myself as well.
Do you ever get nervous before meeting a client? Is it kind of like preparing for a first date?
I am of the opinion that If you ever lose those butterflies in your stomach, and the nervousness which comes with them... It's time to search for another job. I say this for two reasons. The first being, you've lost the passion you once had for your craft. I never forget that I am going to meet a client who is most likely very excited for the time which they and I will share. The only way I will be able to meet, or exceed the high expectations that client has in me, is if I am also excited about sharing that time with him. My focus is client satisfaction... a result I feel would be impossible to achieve, in the absence of that nervous excitement. Second, I believe a void of any sort of nerves indicates a dangerous sense of complacency. As fun, and rewarding as sex work can be, it is essential that a sex worker remains vigilant, and aware of just how potentially dangerous sex work actually can be. After three or four years of having only great clients, who treat you exceedingly well, it's far too easy to get caught-up in a false-sense of security. Sex work has the potential to change from a great time, shared with a client, into one filled with pure terror, in the blink of an eye. The best way which sex workers can provide themselves even a small measure of protection against falling victim to a client with less-than-honourable intentions, is to pay attention, stay sharp, always have an escape plan, and never go anywhere, without letting at least one person know where you're going, and what time you plan on returning home.
What sort of personality qualities does someone need to possess to be a successful escort?
The most essential quality an escort must possess in order not only to survive, but thrive in sex work is undoubtedly thick skin. Every escort must endure a battery of attacks over their career. These attacks can come from almost anywhere, and at any time. The attackers come from every corner of society, so don't fool yourself into believing that jealous wives, and girlfriends will be the extent of your worries... With near certainty, you will be contacted, and insulted, slandered, threatened, bullied, and screamed at by: -religious fanatics (non-fanatics too!) -clients to whom you denied service -clients to whom you provided service -lonely men who think you're somehow to blame -anti-women activists -politicians (municipal, right up to federal) -bored teenage boys -friends (current and former) -former co-workers -former bosses -men with inferiority complexes -men with superiority complexes -men who are pissed you live too far away from them -anonymous posters on escort online review forums -individuals with mental illness -drunk clients -sober clients -clients who can't get it up -and the list goes on Unfortunately, the group from which you will take the most heat however, is your peers. There is a long standing tradition of jealousy, and cutthroat-style competition in the sex trade. It's senseless, counter-productive, and huge waste of the best resource sex workers possess... Each other. So please, try to be a part of the solution, and refrain from reacting badly, when you know deep down that the person tearing you up is another escort. Engaging them is only going to encourage further insults, and earn you an actual enemy. Avoid the possibility of starting a feud with any other girls, as they can quickly escalate to violence, and there are many girls in the trade who are simply unstable, and very unpredictable. Instead of fighting amongst ourselves, we should make the biggest effort possible to network with one another. The benefits of working together are endless, and include safer working conditions, as the result of sharing information about bad dates, and increased income from client recommendations. We are so much stronger together, than we will ever be divided, so let's try to be there for one another, so we can build each other up, instead of continuously tearing each other down.
If someone wished to become an escort, how would you recommend they go about it?
Research. Talk to the girls in their local area. Do an exhaustive amount of soul-searching. Above all... Completely weigh every last pro, and con you can think of, in the sense of how they apply to you, specifically. Everyone handles the benefits and the pitfalls associated with sex work in their own way. Know that both have their own set of dangers, and rewards, and a girl must keep her eyes wide-open at all times. Only take the plunge, if you are getting involved with sex work because you want to. NEVER do it for someone else. This is an extremely intimate, and personal job, which requires a very specific personality type. If you have even one serious reservation, or worry about anything the job entails, then it probably isn't the best fit for you. The vast majority of individuals who are employed in sex work, are doing it for the wrong reasons. I've seen first-hand, just how miserable this job can make those who truly should not be doing it. Be safe. Be sure. The consequences of entering sex work under false pretences can be devastating, and cause serious lifelong damage. I'm lucky. I love what I do. Unfortunately, in the five years I've been a sex worker, I have only met one other girl who shares my opinion.
What are your dreams, future goals and aspirations? Short and long term?
Continue on the path on which I currently find myself. I can't imagine myself ever doing anything else, and I'd honestly never wish to. I already own my home, my car, and have special people in my personal life. I don't feel that I could be be more content, or fulfilled in my life, than I am now. So... the long-term plan is to make my services available, until it becomes clear that there is no longer enough interest for me to bother... That will be when I know it's time to retire.
What types of clients do you deny to meet? Are there any restrictions?
I refuse to meet pushy, rude, or ignorant clients. If you refuse to show me respect before we meet, the chances of you behaving differently once we meet are not very good. I also deny service to anyone who requests BBFS. Having unprotected sex with a sex worker is a very reckless, not to mention, stupid activity. This request causes me to experience doubts about the very health, and good judgement of anyone who makes this request. There are enough inherent risks already associated with sex work... Any girl who doesn't do her very best to mitigate the many risks she faces in this occupation, finds herself at very high-risk of contracting an sti. The consequences are normally rather trivial, but as we all are aware, reckless behaviour such as this, can cost you everything.
What is the strangest request you have ever had from a client?
If I "would mind swallowing hot chrome". To this day, I haven't the slightest idea what he was talking about. Cock reference? In any case, I was rather offended, and proceeded to hang-up in his ear. ...a part of me has always wished I had of found out exactly what he was talking about!
Can you tell us a bit about your first escort job?
I'm not sure if you mean first form of employment, or first session, so I'll quickly provide an answer for both. I have been 100% independent since I began escorting in mid-2012, and that is something which will never change. My first session was with a client who was very, very well endowed. So well, in fact, that I have had no one larger over the five years I've been escorting.
What did you want to be when you were growing up?
As I've mentioned... I wanted to be an escort. Well... from about age thirteen, anyway!
Has being an escort changed your view of men?
Not a whole lot, really. I have been a rather permiscous girl, since my pre-teen years. This has given me an unusually broad cross-section of men from which to form my view of men in general. I have a very positive opinion of men. My long list of previous lovers, has shown me that, while there are a few real pricks out there, the vast majority of men are sweet, kind, and generous individuals.
How long have you been working as an escort?
Nearly five years. I placed my first ad on July 16, 2012.
How did you get into the escort business?
It was Summer of 2012... and I was restless. After spending nearly ten years serving with the Royal Canadian Air Force, as a member of the Canadian Armed Forces, I was starting to feel like it was time for a change. Having always been very curious about sex work, I decided to run an ad one Friday night, after getting off work... and the rest is history!
What's the best bit about being an escort?
In my opinion, the best thing about being an escort is the freedom it affords me, to live every second of my life exactly the way I want to. That is something I definitely was not able to say while I was in the military. Freedom to completely dictate how I spend my time, isn't the only type of freedom I enjoy because I'm an escort. I now also experience such an empowering, and liberating sexual freedom... Something which I value a great deal. It's no secret to anyone I grew up with, or who has had the dubious distinction of being a close friend of mine during my adult years, it's that this girl has never been too picky about those who get to slide their cock deep in her slutty pussy. I've been obsessed with cock, and getting as much of it as humanly possible since I became sexually active. This job has given me a supply of cock which is never ending... A fact which I'm still pretty giddy about! So yeah, the absolute best part about being an escort is the unbelievable amount of freedom I now possess... In every area of my awesome life. :)
What don't you like about being an escort?
There isn't much I don't love about my job, but there are a few things I could live without. The things I dislike most, definitely include; getting stood-up, pushy clients, clients who request BBFS, time-wasters, and the mountains of laundry the job produces... and which I have to wash.
How often do you work per week?
I am available every day of the week. My usual working hours are later afternoons, until early morning, of the next day. However, if you wish to see me during the morning, or over lunch, please let me know approximately twenty-four hours in advance, and I will be happy to adjust my bedtime, to accommodate your request.
What are your turn-offs?
Nothing turns me off faster than rude, impolite people who refuse to respect the very few rules within my services. Oh... also poor spelling and grammar. I should elaborate on that a bit. If you genuinely have a problem with spelling and grammar, that is fine. I understand, and would never hold that against you. However, if you are simply too lazy to bother with these things while we are texting, you may find yourself directed to another girl. ...and don't worry, I can tell the difference. ;)